Labels:hakham | monitor | road | sky | stairs | web site | window OCR: Quarterdeck Mosaic File Edit Yiew Navigate Hotlist Window Tools Help Home Back Forwarc Archives Reload Stop Hotlists S ave Trash URL F:\TEI\HTML\more\p1b1m.htm URL Helper.. Internet BACK Net Anatomy Now that you have an idea of what you can find on the Internet here some resources to help you explore on your own poo5 starting place is the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Extended Guide to the Internet. This guide will give you poob overview of the Internet and how You can use if many of the things you'll Tearn about Essential internet vou just want the quick view then read the How Works section Another excellent resource The Internet: Tools for Efficient Usage, Document Done Forwarg GoTo ITEIHTML lmore good overvieu learn abou Interne Docurner